Game Jam Games

Cult of the Closed Curcuit (2024)

Fight your way through what remains of Earth to stop your cult from reaching god before you.

Jam  : Metroidvania Month 23
Time : 1 month
Theme: Ancient (Optional)

Itch Page - Jam Page


  • Brandon Habron: Writing
  • Dalton Williams: Development Lead
  • David Gipson: Development
  • Patrick Caldwell: Game Design, Artwork
  • Shea Murphy: Music

Cowball (2023)

You’re a cowboy, who is also a ball. Bounce your way to victory.

Jam  : 7-Day Rougelike 2023
Time : 1 week
Theme: None(?)

Itch Page - Jam Page


  • Dalton Williams: Development Lead
  • David Gipson: Development
  • Patrick Caldwell: Artwork
  • Shea Murphy: Music
  • wooferzfg: Development

InvisiHeist (2022)

Use sound cues to rob a casino blind.

Jam  : GameMaker’s Toolkit Jam 2022
Time : 48 hours
Theme: Roll of the Dice

Itch Page - Jam Page


  • Dalton Williams: Development Lead
  • David Gipson: Development
  • Jack Sampson: Creative Lead
  • Patrick Caldwell: Artwork, Sound Effects

EnviroMetal (2022)

Work to save nature from robots from the future.

Jam  : My First Game Jam - Winter 2022
Time : 1 week
Theme: Nature (Optional)

Itch Page - Jam Page


  • Dalton Williams: Development Lead
  • David Gipson: Development
  • Jack Sampson: Level Design
  • Jess Kasper: Menu Design
  • Kevin Kotleba: Artwork
  • Patrick Caldwell: Creative Lead
  • Shea Murphy: Music

I Wanna Hookshot (2018)

A platformer where you can’t walk or jump.

Jam  : GameMaker’s Toolkit Jam 2018
Time : 1 week
Theme: Genre Without Mechanic

Itch Page - Jam Page


  • Dalton Williams: Development, Levels
  • David Gipson: Music, Development, Levels
  • Patrick Caldwell: Artwork, Levels
  • Riley Driscoll: Development Lead, Levels

Contributing Members